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Strategic Plan

Cover of the Vision 2026 NPS Strategic Plan, 2022-2026The Vision 2026 Strategic Plan is an opportunity to move the district forward based on the individual needs of students, faculty, and staff. Developing the whole child, creating a supportive learning environment, and focusing on skill sets will continue to be our focus. However, we will be shifting several targets to be more specific and time sensitive and these will be updated at least twice yearly. 

Moreover, our specific goals will have targets that are not only needed but clearly articulate what is required to move students forward. The major goal for Grades PreK-3 includes 90% of students reading at grade level by the end of Grade 3. This is a major initiative and one that will rely heavily on more targeted resources, which is a responsibility of the community. 

We will also present to the community the “Benefits-Based Accountability Framework” by John Tanner. The entire Leadership Team is working in the second year of professional development during the 2022-2023 school year. 

Lastly, our entire strategic plan is grounded in the Integrated Multi-Tiered System of Support or IMTSS. IMTSS is our opportunity to reach all students regardless of academic and social emotional wellness. By targeting general education, we will support students within the general education classroom and continue to provide for special education services as mandated. Teaching all students at grade level and targeting interventions and progress monitoring will be a refocus for NPS. 

Consider being an active community member as we move forward for ALL students where ALL means ALL. 


Vision 2026: Goal Priorities




Develop the whole child by recognizing the uniqueness of each student as a scholar, citizen, and community member.


    Strategy 1:    Continue to implement an integrated social emotional learning framework that supports all students in PK-12 with special attention to research based best practices (Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS), Trauma Sensitive Schools (TSS), guidance model curriculum, and aligned frameworks).

    Strategy 2:    Continue to monitor the social emotional learning and well-being of our students through school climate and Social Emotional Learning (SEL) focused surveys that explore the Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL) core competencies of self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship skills, and responsible decision making via the Panorama Portal.


    • Implement PreK-12 PBIS by the spring of 2023.
    • Provide graduate courses for trauma sensitive practices in the spring of 2023.
    • Initiate Guidance Model in Grades 6-12 with targeted areas including college and career readiness.
    • Create working documents by grade level of grade appropriate SEL curriculum. 
    • Collect student Panorama Survey Results by November 2022 and share information with staff and School Committee. 
    • Researching and implementing a Universal Screener for SEL that will be given to students at all grade levels. This assessment will allow building-based teams to identify students in need of tiered support and interventions.
    • Create a data cycle to review student SEL data on a predetermined basis to develop supports and structures at all tiers for students.

    Strategy 1:    Continue to support literacy proficiency in K-5 with a focus on Universal Design for Learning as a focus of each classroom, allowing all students to access the curriculum and show proficiency towards firm goals, with flexible means of demonstrating mastery. The district goal will be to reach 90% reading proficiency by the end of Grade 3.

    Strategy 2:    Continuously monitor school-based data teams to ensure that instructional decisions and student placements are made utilizing student data (Universal Screener, Diagnostic Assessments, Progress Monitoring, common assessments, benchmarks, teacher input, Student Success Platform).

    Strategy 3:    Support students as digital citizens, with opportunities for curation and creation of digital content, responsible technology use, and building a positive digital footprint.

    Strategy 4:    Provide students with opportunities for project-based learning that engages them in solving a real-world problem and develops deep content knowledge as well as critical thinking, creativity, and communication skills.

    Strategy 5:    Prioritize success for all students by identifying achievement gaps and developing interventions that will move all students to be college, career, and life ready.


    • Clear alignment within District IMTSS structures that use consistent practices in the areas of instruction and intervention, assessment, and data-based decision making to make informed decisions about student instruction.
    • Building based IMTSS teams that will guide the process of looking at student data, engaging in conversations about what practices are needed to improve outcomes, and creating checkpoints for staff to evaluate interventions and change course as needed.
    • Interventionists, Reading Coach, and Reading Specialists will support building based IMTSS teams in identifying research-based interventions, implementing targeted support for individual students, and acting as a member of the team in regard to assessing student learning and progress.
    • Provide students in Grades 2-5 free tutoring with targeted reading strategies.
    • Centralize student data in one platform in order for teachers to have access to make data based instructional decisions.
    • Establish district wide data protocols for examining student data including intervention thresholds that align with IMTSS.
    • Integration of MA Digital Literacy Computer Science standards across all classrooms, courses, and specialist programs through the revision of NPS DLCS Power Standards.
    • District partnership with PBL Works during the 2022 - 2023 and 2023 - 2024 school years that will engage teachers at Norton High School in the development of units of study that integrate concepts of PBL.
    • Sustained professional development for teachers during the PBL Works partnership will increase from 25 in year 1, to at least 50 teachers in year 2.
    • All Norton High School students will participate in at least one unit of study that integrates concepts of PBL by the end of the 2023 - 2034 school year.
    • Review student data on a more frequent basis to identify trends and patterns for individual students and school populations to plan for academic and social emotional behavioral interventions and lessons.




Create and support a collaborative learning climate and culture of continuous improvement and professional learning.


    Strategy 1:    Support the social emotional needs of all staff members by offering opportunities to enhance staff wellness through the school-based culture and climate committees, professional learning days, and community events.

    Strategy 2:    Provide staff with training and professional learning opportunities around the topics of Equity, SEL, TSS, PBIS, and supporting student needs within the classroom setting.

    Strategy 3:    Expand the toolboxes of all staff members so that they can better support the needs of all students.


    • Provide the annual opportunity for staff to complete the Panorama Survey and publish results by school each fall.
    • Support building based culture and climate committees by providing requested needs as the budget allows.
    • Partnership with Lesley Institute for Trauma Sensitivity each year to offer staff the opportunity to take courses and earn a certificate in Trauma Sensitivity.
    • Survey staff needs and interest in expanded professional learning offerings to target specific district initiatives.
    • Utilize the District Curriculum Accommodation Plan (DCAP) document as a priority for the district by utilizing language across the district.
    • Explore Tier 1 SEL curriculum resources for staff to utilize in their professional role.
    • Professional learning offerings for the 2022-2023 school year that specifically align with goals of Equity and Universal Design for Learning (UDL) for staff to enhance their practice.

    Strategy 1:    The Professional Learning Committee (PLC) will continue to develop course offerings for all staff members that meet the needs of individual educators that align to the Vision 2026, as well as school improvement plans.

    Strategy 2:    Encourage innovative professional learning opportunities for staff to meet the personalized learning and project-based learning initiative in our classrooms.


    • Targeted professional development in the area of Universal Design for Learning and Project Based Learning to enhance staff practice.
    • Establish yearly Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-Based (SMART) Goals that support continued professional learning for staff in areas such as technology integration, UDL, equity, and digital literacy and computer science.
    • By March 1st of each year, the PLC will publish spring and summer offerings for staff that align with the district Vision 2026.
    • Provide differentiated professional learning opportunities for staff to select based on their individual needs and interests that are aligned to Vision 2026.
    • In order to provide staff with goals the committee will consider outlining a 2–3-year PL Plan.

    Strategy 1:    Provide teachers, support staff, and administrators with the resources, both human and capital, and professional learning needed to effectively utilize technology to support student learning and administrative tasks.

    Strategy 2:    Expand Innovation Spaces in each school building to allow students to explore science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics (STEAM) learning offerings PK-12.

    Strategy 3:    Engage students in purposeful and differentiated digital learning activities across all grade levels and disciplines PK-12.

    Strategy 4:    Maintain an updated inventory of equipment and digital resources utilizing industry standards for staffing, training and maintenance aimed at preparing students for global careers.


    • Promote individualized professional learning through coaching cycles with digital learning specialists and pre-approved instructional technology SMART goals.
    • Increase proficiency in digital literacy and computer science integration through professional learning opportunities, exploration of outside programs, and collaboration among building-based teams pending funding.
    • Revisit and refine Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics (STEAM) curriculum guides for grades K-5.
    • Expand STEAM cart availability across all schools, pending funding.
    • Develop spaces at NMS and NHS under the direction of the school library media specialist, pending funding.
    • Incorporate the DLCS standards into curriculum documents to provide for readily available integrated lessons.
    • Revise and update the master list of all equipment for the district by school, by area, and life cycle of equipment.
    • Update network infrastructure on 7–10-year cycle to maintain network integrity.




Implement the Portrait of a Graduate Skills Sets in Grades K-12 via various teaching and learning approaches.


    Strategy 1:    Provide sessions for teams of educators to work in creating PK-5 and 6-12 grade level curriculum aligned to the six skills sets.

    Strategy 2:    Implement the curriculum via numerous pathways and collaborate in finalizing a final document for each grade level.


    • By the spring of 2024, the six skill sets will be embedded into the PreK-12 curriculum.

    Strategy 1:    Review various opportunities for creating an individual report card for each student aligned to the six skill sets.


    • By the spring of 2024 establish a new “report card” language to include age-appropriate skill set development by grade level.

    Strategy 1:    Enhance teacher communication and planning for student transitions at all levels.

    Strategy 2:    Develop individualized student learning plans to support college, career, and life ready.

    Strategy 3:    Implement a comprehensive parent program that will educate and inform families as students transition at each level.


    • Create by the spring of 2023 a transitional planning guide for each student in between buildings.
    • Create individualized learning plans for all students in Grades 8-12 by the spring of 2024.
    • By the summer of 2023 create a parent program that clearly articulates pathways for success for students.